Rene Lalique: Glass in Jewelry

Lalique dazzled the public, carving combs of flowers and butterflies using new materials, such as ivory, bronze, and horn. But in 1901, he was the first to exhibit crystal-glass jewelry at the Exhibition of the Paris Salon. These four pieces show how he developed his idea.

In 1897-98, Lalique cast a mermaid in bronze. She has three fins. The outer two are solid, decorated with small emeralds, and swirl to encase opals. The middle fin is divided in three, as the engineering element that forms the prongs of the diadem. Highlighting her long, flowing hair, the mermaid also holds up a third opal.

In this 1905 corsage spray, Lalique uses plique-à-jour enamel, glass, and diamonds to depict insects pollinating a flower. It resides in the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris.

Here is a comparison of a lovers’ kiss in an ivory comb c.1902

and the same idea done in a brooch of molded glass encased in silver, also at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris.


For more scholarly research, please examine

Art Nouveau

Art Nouveau Jewellery from Pforzheim

Man Of Glass ( L’homme De Verre )

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