These are just some beautiful combs. For those beginning their road into the intense world of comb collecting, it is always nice to see what you might find if you look hard enough. This is an English art deco comb.
This is a French art deco comb by Auguste Bonaz. Notice the depth of the red, the proportions of this. The rhinestone design in the center is still used by French hair accessory designers today.
Both this red comb and the ivory fish comb are early Edo. I shudder to think what they cost the collector.
The most beautiful drop-dead Victorian pearl tiara you will probably ever see in your life.
These are two Victorian combs in the Algerian style.
This is a shell and pearl hairpin that I sold to someone who wore it at her wedding.
This is a Victorian horn comb, brass tiara, with fabric flowers and black-bead dangles from the Norma Hague collection.
This is a hairstick in two colors of tortoiseshell, Chinese, 1890, and thankfully, I still have it.
This is an antique silver and bone comb with dangles, from China.