Creative Museum: Odd designs

by The Creative Museum:

Le peigne d’ornement a pour vocation de mettre en valeur la beauté d’une coiffure et d’un visage. L’inspiration des créateurs se tourne le plus souvent vers des motifs empruntés à la nature: fleurs, insectes ou oiseaux. L’Art Nouveau notamment y a puisé ses racines.

L’inspiration des artistes s’exprime aussi à travers des représentations symboliques ou géométriques, avec des lignes courbes ou droites comme les rinceaux et les frises grecques. N’oublions pas les figures humaines, thème privilégié en Afrique et en Indonésie mais aussi en Europe ou en Amérique.

C’est donc avec plaisir et étonnement que le collectionneur découvre, au hasard de ses recherches, des ornements de coiffure au design totalement insolite.

Qui penserait qu’une hélice d’avion et une boussole puissent décorer un peigne? Tout dépend en fait de la manière dont le sujet est traité. Le métal doré, le faux diamant au centre de l’hélice, les avions en arrière-plan en font un bijou finalement très élaboré.

De la même façon, on peut être surpris par un peigne en forme de bouche. Découpé dans un plastique laminé bicolore, il devient alors un objet sophistiqué et intéressant. Finalement, peu importe le motif; tout repose sur la créativité de l’artiste et le choix des matériaux qu’il utilise.


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The English translation may be found in comment #2.

Kirks Folly signed.

Detail of the propeller

Sandy Cole-Namaste signed

5 thoughts on “Creative Museum: Odd designs

  1. BarbaraAnne

    English Translation:

    Combs ornament the hair and reveal true beauty in a woman’s face. Its greatest creators borrowed motifs from nature, such as flowers, insects, and birds. Art Nouveau’s roots lived underneath those flowers.

    Natural themes were combined with French Symbolist ideals, which posited that artists should reveal the truth indirectly, using suggestive metaphors. Lalique’s orchid combs were not only flowers. Art nouveau artists such as Charles Rennie Mackintosh used geometric ideas: straight lines, and curved lines for scrolls and Greek friezes.

    We must not forget that the human figure was a favorite theme not only in Africa and Indonesia, but in America and Europe, as well.

    The collector’s skill is identifying an object in the context of the society that created it. Pleasure and surprise delight the eye when by chance, something is found that is so unusual, its uniqueness defies definition.

    Who would think that an airplane propeller and a compass could decorate a comb? It all depends on how the subject is treated. The metal gold, the fake diamond in the center of the propeller aircraft, and attention to every detail make this elaborate comb a work of love, as well as a work of art.

    Similarly, an artist surprised me with this comb-shaped mouth. Cut from laminated plastic in two tones, it becomes something sophisticated and interesting. It is the artist’s creativity that can change mundane materials into a concept someone would have never thought of before.

  2. pj monroe

    I have recently bought a comb that is signed sandy cole-namaste made in india and would like to get more info on it. Please let me know if anyone has info on these combs.

    1. BarbaraAnne

      I and our authors can do some research for you, but there is a $25 minimum for me, and then $25 extra for each author whose research you would like added to your opinion. Everyone who takes time in the research gets the same amount. If you would like a professional opinion on your comb, you are welcome to contact me at


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